Friday, 27 December 2019

Family Day 2019 - Segamat Version


p/s: entry ni sebenarnya dah lama bersarang kat folder draft tu. hahahah. so, cita-cita aku, before 2019 habis, nak settlekan semuaaaaa entry yang tertangguh. maka, ayuh lahh!!


Haluuu haluuuu. so, we had a family day (family belah segamat) at Asahan, Melaka. haaa bukan Sabah tau. saja ja letak location kat sabah sebab tempat tu macam kat Kundasang. :p hahahahah. 

basically, family day ni just 1 hari 1 malam je. and, kalini concept dia, survival :p 
taklaa.. kan sebelum-sebelum ni dah buat kat pantai, gunung pesemua. kalini, buat acacah camping ahhh. tido dalam khemah. gittewww. time family day ni, aku baruuuu je habis BIG. camping kat Ayer Keroh 5 hari 4 malam. tup tup, terus kena sambung camping untuk family day pulak. hshshashasshshahsgaghah.

sebenarnya, family kitorang tak plan pun nak pergi sebab baba ada keje. apabenda tah kat tanjung Piai tu. so, ingatkan memang tak pergi. tiba2, pagi sabtu tu, ibid ajak, "imah jom gi family day". haaa aku pun ons je laa. teringat atok duk ajak, mak cik pak cik duk ajak. sepupu semua. kesian pulak. so, lenjan je laa dengan baju yang ada, pergi je laa. huhu

oh, btw, note that this entry will just use any gambar yang ada sebab gambar hilang. jom nangis. :''''(

haa lepas gi kenduri kahwin anak jiran atok, semua pun siap2 laa gi Asahan. baba ngan ibu gerak balik Pontian. Baba muka risau je nak lepaskan kitorang pergi. btw, yang pergi, aku, ibid, yah dengan asyuk je. Kakak takde, dia gi KL kawan dia kahwin. Ayie dengan Kadir ada lawan liga Temenggung apa tah. so, kitorang berempat je laa wakil keluarga Zano. :p

perjalanan ada laa dalam 1 jam 30 minit gak laa sebab ada accident semua. ciklan dengan mak ni, dah gerak awal dah. diorang dah tempah 7 chalet dengan 9 buah khemah.

masa sampai tu, khemah semua dah pasang. malam tu ada karoake and bbq. ehehe. tengok gambar je laaa. shishishi

berbakat nya angah membakar ayam. :p

tudiaa genk depa duk tunjuk bakat menyanyiii. tudiaaa

supporters teragung

supporters teragung lapar. :p

nak acah-acah sikit sebelum tido boleh? ehehe

tengoklahh view belakang tu. cantik gilerr!!!

makan makan time!!

basically, malam tu just karoake-makan-gurau-makan-tido-repeat. shishishi

okay. time ni kena bangun awal. sebab ada sukaneka. hahahah. pastu ann pastu annn.. view pagi tu cantik gilerr!! macam kat kundasang!!! nak nagis ahh sebab cantik sangat!! *insert emoji mata love love*
tengoklahhh tuuu!!!! sejuk namati

macam biasa. sempat laa snap satu dua tiga empat lima gambar. hihi

can never get enough with this kind of view. 

lepas semua dah siap, kita start laa sukaneka kitaa!! shishi
ee aku stress sebab gambar semua hilang. video pun hilang. so, ni je yang ada. T_____________T
kitorang ada main boling, pingpong dalam sudu, etc. macam-macam game tauu!!!
tapi, tu lahh. gambar hilang. hm
satu-satunya yang ada sebab ni dalam phone aku. huhu

hasil tangkapan keluarga mak lin. hahahahah
lepas habis sukaneka, sesi penyampaian hadiah laa. group kitorang no 2 okeyyy!!!!
hehehe. pastu, gambar familyyy!

cuteee laa kyra niiiiii

acam ashe ahhh.. gambar OOTD. :p

lepas bergambar semua, kitorang gerak ke air terjun apa ntah nama dia. ehehe. 
pastu, balik Pontian! heeee

 tu je laa kot untuk family day kalini. It is more on building more memories together. It is quite sad when all the pictures gone just. like. that. Tapi, nak buat macam mana kannn. dah tuhan cakap macam tu? hehe. takpelahh. YANG PENTING, ALL THESE MEMORIES THAT WE AE TOGETHER WILL STAY. FOREVER, IN OUR HEART. okie?? heee sayanggg semuaaa!! meh peluk sorang-sorang!! :p

jom doa sama-sama!
may Allah bless this relationship with HIS rahman and rahim. may HE blesses each one of you with abundant of joys, the bestest health and endless rezq. May all of you will be blessed forever. aamiin. *hugs*
Thank you for reading this entry!

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

2019 in a nutshell

2019 will end in a few days I guess. So, can I just summarise my 2019. Can I? :p

So manyyyyy things happened in 2019.
family day, kakak graduate (maybe another entry? :p), Bina Insan Guru (BIG), Praktikum phase 1,  trip blup blup blup, trip ke Pahang, KOT,
and manyyyy more. heeee

ni time family day. sebenarnya dah buat dah entry untuk family day, tapi, tiba-tiba gambar semua hilang. terus takde mood nak post. huhu. Ada je dalam draft. tunggu jap. nanti aku post :""""")

Ni pulak, time BIG. Ni pun ada entry. tapi sebab gambar tak dapat lagi, malas terus. HAHAHAHAHHAHAH

Yang ni time praktikum


Ni time trip ke PD-Melaka. boleh tengok video kat sini --> Blup blup blup trip 1

Ni time kakak grad. yang ni aku janji nanti aku buat entry!! okiee??

aaaaaaa I MISS THIS GIRL!!!



My badminton girls

birthday celine

KOT 2019!!

last dinner with ma beloved housemates in 2019

hantar budak kecik gi belajar

haaa. pastu, alhamdulillah tahun ni, tok jah, tok abah, pak long, mak long, mak ni dengan angah dapat rezeki buat umrah. hehehe

time gi tengok frozen 2


masa kumpul ramai-ramai kat rumah miss. ehek

masa ni gi tengok anime tu. tak ingat laa tajuk dia. hahahaha

time jamuan raya ipba. kecoh gila sebab masing-masing dah lama tak jumpa sebab praktikum


Ni time kena gi lawatan kat mana ntah. tak ingatt. ehek


and, I happy sikit this year sebab my pointer naik. huhu. as a person yang tak pernah suka English. IT WAS REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HARD TO LEARN. sebab tak minat. so, I rasa susah. :(

Masa awal-awal sem dulu, I always put my expectations for me a bit higher. Then, dapat result macam tu. kecewa terus. :'''( as years go by, I always put the expectations lower than it should be. so, target I memang akan selalu rendah. so, bila dapat result tinggi sikit pun I macam dah bangga dengan diri sendiri walaupun 3.5 je. huhuhu. so, bila tiba-tiba sem 5 ni dapat 3.75, I rasa macam bangga. because... you never know how struggle I am dengan practicum. sumpah I tak suka practicum. for many reasons.... and I DID IT. I SURVIVED. tu yang I rasa macam bangga. sumpahhh sebak, nak nangis time check result tuuu. sebab I ingat I dapat C untuk praktikum. huhu

and this year,  nenek, tok jah and tok abah tak berapa nak sihat. so, can you spare some of your time to pray for their health? May Allah bless them with the bestest health and endless rezq. aamiin. heeee tenkiuuu.

For me, 2019 was a hell of ride and i'm not kidding. sumpah. 
So much more tears compared to the other years.
So much more pain to hold.
So much more things to lose.
So much more things happened.
So much more risks to take, etc
So many times people broke my heart,
So many conflicts happened between me and my friends, huhu
and etc

But, looking on a bright side, I guess, those are the things that help to shape me to who am I today? yes? No? hee
I can say that I am getting stronger to face many more challenges, be more understanding of people's life, be more respectful and be more apa tuuuuu.. terima? I jadi lagi senang nak terima apa-apa yang jadi, no matter how worst is it. ehehehe

For those who stay, Thank you.
For those who are there from the very beginning until now, thank you.
For my backbones, thank you.
For you, thank you.
For those who are leaving me, thank you. why? because you are also one of the people yang pernah buat I happy? heh
Thank you for every single littlest things that you had done for me or to me.
And, sorry for every single littlest things that I have ever did to you. Sorryyyy okie? kosong-kosong boleh? hehehe

for 2020, actually, I don't really have that "azam tahun baru" thingy. because, all this while, I thought that everything will fall into its place kan? so, I just nak follow the flow je. but, I hope that this new year will bring happiness to everyone, especially people around me. May Allah protect them with HIS rahman and rahim, may Allah bless them with the bestest health and lengthen their age. May Allah takes imah first before DIA ambil orang-orang yang imah sayang. aamiin.

heee. so, let us open a new book and be a better us? boleh? heeee. 

Nah peace untuk mengakhiri 2019 anda. :p

Thank you for reading this entry!