So, today (20 September 2019), I teman ila pergi PPUM. because she had a back pain that restricted her movement. Sebenarnya dah sebulan lebih dah. Dah puas push pergi hospital, tapi duk tangguh. last-last, harini gak baru pergi. Alhamdulillah, bukan slip disc just muscle sprain je.
So, hospital is one of the places yang I memang tak suka pergi. Macam biasa la, bila dah sampai hospital ni, macam-macam laa yang kita nampak kannn. Seeing all of these kind of scenes make me realised how ungrateful I am. Going to hospital will never be in my list because I hate all those smell (and doctors too. lagi-lagi dr gigi 😛). I hate to see people in pain and I can do nothing about it. If I could trade my health with them, I'll probably do it. Especially my loved ones.
Seeing people without their hand(s), people without their legs, people with a big hole on their toe, people whose hands keep on shivering, people with their tumit with full of 'nanah', kids with their mouth full with kudis and all, a mak cik who coughing non stop, a pak cik who sits on a wheelchair and stares at people emphatically, a pregnant woman, a very thin girl who constantly need to take medicine to live longer, a nenek who needs a tongkat to walk without her children to help, a boy who gets a lot of injections' bruises, a pak cik who walks weirdly because one of his foot is bigger than the other, a little baby who is fully depending on the oxygen machine because she cannot breathes normally and many more.
All this while, I always thought that Allah gives me the hardest ujian on top of the other people. Complains, sigh, frustrated, moodiness and many more have filled my daily life. Sikit2, mengeluh. "Why are you testing me like this?" "Why are you giving me this pain?" And so many whyy questions coming up without questioning on 'what'. Never asked, 'what is Allah trying to show me?' 'What is it that HE wants me to learn?'
Padahal, what happened in our life is something that we asked for. I asked Allah, everyday. "Ya Allah, please forgive me, please forgive all of my parents, siblings, family, teachers and my loved ones' sins. Please forgive my sins also. And make this heart beats only for you." Butttt, when HE gives us pain, sikitttt je. I dah mengeluh. Why are you putting me in this situation? Padahal awal2 dah minta kat tuhan suruh hapus dosa. Bila sakit, macam2 pulak. Sedangkan sakit tu kan penghapus dosa?
So, I told myself, "In whatever situation HE puts you in, in how hard situation that you are in now, that is the BEST for you. HE knows everything and we know nothing as HE is the all knowing. Always believe in HIM and always bersangka baik dengan DIA. We plan, HE plans but HIS plan will always be the best."
I have learned that, in this life, if we are at our lowest, always remember that there are so many many many people out there who are going through something harder than us. There are so many many many people out there who want to be in your shoes now. Who wants to be YOU. And, if we are feeling that we are on the top, always remember that there is one up there who is more powerful than us. We are actually nothing without his Ihsan. Be grateful. Oki?
Thank you for reading this entry!
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