Friday, 27 September 2019

Pace of Life

Nak rant sikit boleh?
Kadang2 kan, kita tengok orang ni, mudahhh je hidup dia. Macam tak de masalah. Bila tengok sebelah pulak, orang tu macam sentiasa hidup dengan masalah.
        As we grow older, we can see many of our friends are achieving their dreams. While, we are here struggling macam apa. Tapi, takat tu je la. Macam aku, ada kawan aku dah habis degree, ada yang dah habis diploma, dah kahwin, dah tunang, ada yang dah nak bersalin pun ada! Aku? Kat sini laa. Tersengguk-sengguk nak habiskan degree ni. Jeles? Selalu. Selalu rasa, "bila laa aku nak macam depa ni."
        But, one thing yang aku pegang. We are all human. We move with our own pace. We might start at the same time, but we won't reach the destination in the same time. Pace kita berbeza and pace tu adalah hak Allah. Allah yang gerakkan kita. Kawan kau mungkin kahwin umur 20, while, engkau still terkial-kial hafal nama lecturer nak tulis kat front page assignment. Kawan kau mungkin dah habis degree umur 23, kau? Tersengguk-sengguk duk repeat paper diploma kat universiti tu. Sedih? Mesti. Jeles? Harus. Tapi kita ni siapa? Yang ni yang kita kena ingat. Ingat yang takdir kita (read:jalan hidup) tak sama. Allah dah susun cantik2 untuk kita. Tinggal percaya tk percaya je. Yakin tak yakin je dengan Allah. What if kalau kau kahwin saing2 umur kawan kau, and you cannot do the responsibility properly? What if kau habis degree umur 23 jugak tapi tu yang menjadi asbab kau ke neraka sebab riak? Think.

I still remember one of atok's punya pesan.
"duduklahh dalam takdir tu sampai DIA bawak ke takdir yang lain."

        Maksudnya, in whatever situation that you are in, enjoy it.. live it. Hiduplahh. Selagi Allah tak bawa kau ke takdir yang lain, duduklahh kau kat situ. Hiduplah kau kat situ. That is why acceptance is very important. Memang orang selalu cakap. "Be positive. Fikir yang positive. Everything will be okay." But, what if kalau kau dah positif tapi kau tak boleh terima? Is it making any changes? no! Sebab tu, in whatever situation that you are in, no matter how hard the situation is, terima. Terima apa yang tuhan nak bagi. Terima apa yang tuhan nak kau belajar. Once kau dah terima, everything will be easier for you. In shaa Allah dipermudahkan sebab kita redha dengan jalan hidup kita yang DIA dah tetapkan. Oki?
        Ingat, we move in our own pace. Some of us might be slower that the other and vice versa. But, one thing for sure, we will reach the destination. If Allah wills.
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Sunday, 22 September 2019

Practicum 1 - Practicum - mates

Alright. Last one! hehe. This time I wanna rant about these 3 girls. my practicum-mates, crying-mates, makan-mates, and many more! Btw, this post might be cringe. so, read at your own risk. 😜😝

Haa senyum laa dulu. satgi nangis tak tauu ehhh. 😜

We are all having tough times during our first 2-3 weeks. We were soooo frustrated, crying our heart out, sobbing, serabut and many more. But, guess what? We finished our practicum 1 already girls!!!!! how time flies

Our first day!💃ðŸŧ

Our last day ðŸ˜Ē

Remember my first instastory on our first day of school? I asked all of you to promise to take care of each other right? and I can say that all of us did a great job! ðŸĪŠðŸĪŠ
Remember our first day when we were all soo nervous as we don't know what to expect with this school? remember the pak guard when we tried to search for the parking spot? "Yang pagar tulis penceroboh akan didakwa tu ke pak cik?" I swear we laughed like orang gila sebab benda tu je. hahahaha.

We are all not ready for our practicum phase 1 as all of us were still blur and did not know what to expect. Lagi-lagi bila lecturer sendiri pun tak de time tu. I still remember how blur we are and ntah. Semua macam tak de mood at first sebab semua tak ready. We were not prepared to face this practicum thingy, kan? When the practicum unit said that they wanna change us to a new school, we were like "okay. maybe this school will be better?". and suddenly Puan Kasma said "okay, no need to change school." and I macam, "Wth. I have already prepared mentally and physically nak keluar dari sekolah ni." hahahahaha

our first day of submitting buku rekod mengajar! ðŸĪĢ #Ciwi
Did you remember?
Remember when we cried over our kids' attitude but still love them anyway?
Remember how we console each other?
Remember all those memories where we "mengumpat" on our kids in the car?
Remember how quiet the car will be whenever we have observation?
Remember how all of you will shut me up from singing? 😛
Remember how we share our food?
Remember when we help each other out so that all of us will pass our observation peacefully?
Remember how your words soothe my heart without you even realised it?
Remember KER 619? 😛
Remember how random we are when we decided to go out and find food?
Remember the cendol rm3 yang sedap gils tapi murah dan banyak?
Remember how we give strength to each other whenever we need it?
Remember all of our stupid jokes?
Remember how kalut we are to prepare milo for cik Nurhakimah? 😂😂

Look at us now girls, we survived!
So, I just wanna thank to each one of you for being there when I need it. Thank you for all the laugh, jokes, advices, tips, suggestions, teaching aids, ideas, and everything. 

Thank you for letting us 'tumpang' your car and pay such a small amount of money to support your duit minyak. Thank you for all the effort to bring us out and eat foods and went to print expert. hehe. Tak tau nak kata apa. Thank you and sorry for everything. Like, seriously. Thank you for existing in my life. May Allah bless you and ease everything for you.

nampak tak kependekan saya disitu. macam orang kerdil

Syasya senyum guys. Syasya senyum guys!!

Thank you for your understanding, ideas and many more. Thank you for always teman-ing me to eat at the canteen. Thank you and sorry if I ever hurt you. hehehehehehe. And, Thank you for existing. May Allah bless you always and ease everything for you too. 

senyum dulu. Giloo belum datang. :p

haaa tudiaa guys. tudiaaaaa

Thank you deskmate! thank you for all the things that you lend to me, foods, jajan, ideas and many more. We both were facing a hard time as we never know or experienced on how to handle year 1 and year 2. But, we made it ila! :p Sorry for all the jokes and all. and again, thank you for existing. May Allah bless you and ease everything for you too!

Banyak je gambar tak senonoh ( read: buruk) dengan ila ni. tapi, tak jumpa pulak.

So, to each one of you, thank you for being there, thank you for sticking to the promise to take care of each other, thank you for all the laughs, advices, jokes and all. Thank you for existing and thank you for being my friend and accepting me as who I am. Thank you for being the reason why I can survive my practicum phase 1. May Allah showers you with his blessings and give you abundant of joy in life. May HE grant you with all the happiness that the whole world could ever give so you won't be sad again. aamiin.

To conclude, :p Thank you and sorry for everything. And I really meant it. and really really do.

p/s: always remember, I will always be there to hold your hand to go through hardship and be there for you, if you need me. *hugs*

To many more days to annoy all of you! :p

Thank you for reading this entry!

Practicum 1 - 2 Murni edition


Okay next! I want to nag and rant about my kids. hehe. it is almost a month I left the school. I'm happy sebab I dah habis praktikum. But, deep down in my heart, I miss them all. serious. kadang-kadang I rasa macam nak nangis teringat semua. huhuhuhu.

eeeee rindu!!

Dear my beloved annoying graceful beautiful 2 murni, :p 
(Raziq, Thaqif, Aiman, Farwiz, Moses, Fatih, Raiyan, Azim, Mustapha, Humairah, Syazween, Joleen, Nishalini, Loshini, Ellyana, Elissa, Fatin, Qaleesya, Nevetha, Umairah)
Did you know that you gave me a hard time in SK Taman Sea for the first 3 weeks?
Did you know that you are also one of the reasons why I want to give up?
Did you know that you make me cried at night thinking about what else I can do to manage all of you?
Did you know that you make me lost my voice because I have to shout at you every time I entered your class?
Did you know that you are the reason for all my headache?
Did you know that you are the reason for my asthma and migraine?
Did you know that you will always be the hot topic for us to talk in the car?
Did you know that you are the reason that I was having a tough time during my practicum?

But, noww...
Did you know that you are my first pupils, everrr?
Did you know how broke my heart when I saw all of you were crying and I have no choice other than to leave you?
Did you know how hard is it for me to broke my promise for not leaving all of you?
Did you know that you are also one of my sources of happiness?
Did you know that whenever I saw "jajan" or stationery sets, it will remind me of you?
Did you know that whenever I scroll my gallery and found your photos, I will stop for a while and smile?
Did you know that you guys are on my lock screen?
Did you know that I will randomly smile when I remembered all of your perangai?
Did you know that I can't listen to that kpop songs because it will automatically remind me of you?
Did you know that you are the reason why I am determined to be a better person just because of you?
Did you know that you guys are the reason why I give my best to teach?
Did you know that you are also one of the reasons why I refuse to give up?
Did you know that you are the reason why (like finally) I decided to be in this profession?
Did you know that my heart is missing you guys so much?
Did you know that this 'so-tough-girl' over here is screaming inside and wanting to run and hug you guys so much?
Did you know that you are the reason for who I am today?

My sayang-sayang sekalian,
I am sorry for everything. Sorry for shouting at you, sorry if I ever uttered something that hurt your feeling, sorry for making you frustrated at first, sorry for keep on scolding you just because of the smallest - littlest - thing. Sorry for not being a good teacher and sorry for leaving you. 
Thank you for all the headache, migraine and asthma because all those things are the ones that make me who am I today. Thank you for all the running, fighting, shouting as it helped me learn how to handle that kind of thing if it ever happened in my class again. Thank you for all of the words that hurt my feeling as they are the one who drive me to give you the best to love English.

Tengoklahh tu perangai masing-masing

Haaa inilah dia rakan-rakan. Inilah dia 2 Murni

So, 2 Murni sekalian,
Wherever you go, whenever you are, I will always pray the best for you. May all of your dreams come true, may God helps you and ease everything for your future, may all of you will be the best ever person in this world. aamiin.

Always remember my words. Be kind to everyone despite of their differences. Just be kind because we don't need any reason to be kind. right? So, always be kind, help people out, respect everyone and always striving for the best. Remember, I will always be there to hold your hand and push you to pass the finishing line. We might be far in distance but we will always be connected by heart. Okie?

I miss all of your hugs. I miss seeing you run towards me and hug me. I miss you.
I love you.

But, there is one more thing. I really really really want to say sorry for not keeping my promise. I promise you that I won't leave you, right? Sorry for not sticking to my promise for not leaving you guys. I am sorry. I have to. I have to leave. Sorry :'(

p/s: I love you guys so much! *sending virtual hugs to each one of you* 

Miss Iemah

Actually, we did take a lot of pictures together. But, I don't think that I can scroll all of the pictures without crying. So, untuk mengelakkan I nangis, I guna je gambar apa yang ada. huwaaaa rindu. :(

Thank you for reading this entry!

Practicum 1 - The End

Okay genk. dah dekat sebulan gak laa practicum fasa 1 ni habis. tapi, ni baru sempat nak update. hehe. :p I habis practicum 6 september haritu. Okayyyy, like finally!!!! habis pun!!!!!! eee rasa nak jerit!! hahaha

I still remember the day when I cried on my baba's shoulder and now, here I am. Surviving my practicum life. ehehehe. bila fikir balik, ee kenapa tah nangis time tu. ish. XD But, I do learn a lot of things throughout this journey. series. okay jom sembang. I nak buat appreciation post ni kat semuorang yang tolong I time practicum ni. ehehehehe

Okay, first! I want to thank my practicum-mates. Ila, Ummie, Syasya, Mei Mun, Jin Jing, Ivy and Faris!! my practicum will be dulled without them. sumpah! If you know me, you mesti tau how introvert I am and how quiet I am when I meet new people. But, these people are one of the people yang I boleh "click" in a short time. Untuk post ni, I focus on these 4 people je. Yang lagi 3 (ummie, ila, syasya) tu, entry lain. hehe
Our last makan-makan. :'(

Eeeeee. I rindu laa perangai gila masing-masing
Time makan sushi. My first time eating sushi. hehe
Time makan MCD. order spicy biasa. Tapi dapat 3X spicy. menangis semuaa. HAHAHAHAH

and, our first photo together. :'''')

I already miss our makan-makan activity!! huhu. Macam ni genk. every wednesday, kami ada acara "makan-makan bersama practicum-mates". :p (anywhere. cakap je nak gi mana). We already went to Taman medan, Seoul Garden, Murni Discovery, Sushi Mentai, Nasi Ayam Hainan , etc. Lepas je habis koko, masing-masing berebut kemas nak gi makan. kebulur. hahahahah. eee. 

I dah rindu nak dengar ivy jerit, rindu nak tengok muka berlagak Jin Jing, gelak Mei Mun, lawak hambar (like seriously hambar) Faris. Eeee rindunya nak sakat semuorang.  woof woof
So, to each one of you, thank you for existing, thank you for all the advices, jokes, gossips, foods and all. Thank you. Sorry if I ever hurt your feeling with all those jokes (yang kita je faham :p) or anything. Sorry okay? it is just..... THANK YOU for existing and the memories. <3 like seriously, Thank you. *sending virtual hug*

Okay, next sebelum I nangis, :p. I also want to thank my mentor, madam Meena and my ketua panitia, Madam Yeo.
This is madam Meena. Ni laa cooperating teacher Ila dengan I.

Okay. This one is Madam Yeo. Actually, we already took pictures with madam Yeo. But, we were using her phone. Pastu, masing-masing lupa nak minta gambarnya. huhu

So, whatever it is, Thank you for all the tunjuk ajar, advices, tips, scolding (:p), teaching aids, memories and foods. Haha. Sampai habis biskut madam yeo syasya makan. :p Seriously, without both of you, we cannot survived our practicum. we gained a lot of things and we learnt a lot of things from both of you. Thank you. 
And, sorry for all of our rudeness (if there is any), our attitude or anything. Sorry if we ever hurt you and your feeling. We are so so so soooo sorry. Thank you for everything.

Next, I would also like to thank you to all the teachers in Sk Taman Sea. They are really really really helpful. T_______T. friendly and many more. they helped us a lot and I swear, without them, we cannot survived our practicum too! 
Puan Junaidah, our PK Pentadbiran

Puan Suwarni, our former headmistress and Cikgu Chun

Cikgu Fasihah!

Cikgu Haniza. sumpah, banyak gila membawang dengan cikgu Haniza ni. agaknya, kalau cikgu Haniza takde, kami mesti kesunyian. HAHAHAHAHAH

imagine ehh, kalau you guys gi sekolah yang cikgu-cikgu dia selfish and banyak complain pasal korang. It will be disaster. serious!. Tapi, alhamdulillah. cikgu-cikgu ni semua sangat helpful and willing to help you in evry way. pastu, selalu dapat makanan pulak tu. gemuk laa masing-masing. hahahahah. Thank you cikgu-cikgu and sorry if we have ever hurt you. tersalah cakap ke, terjeling ke , tak buat keje ke. huhuhuhu. apa-apa pun. THANK YOU SO MUCH. SERIOUSLY, THANK YOU. <3

Okay, next entry will be about my beloved kids! stay tuned. :p

Thank you for reading this entry!