haluuu.. saya dah sem 4. tiberrr.. hehe
let me rant a bit about my life for the past few days/months. hehe
btw, it is 3.53 a.m now. and here I am ranting to you. hahahahah
so, I have been quite busy for the past few days/weeks/months. due to the assignments, BIG and a few things. and, the most shocking part is, I have lost 4 kgs in a month!!! huhu. gilaaaaa.. never thought of that. I was just too busy until got no time to eat. I kena uruskan sukantara and jadi ajk statistic for KOT. sukantara laa agak teruk sikit because I am the penolong for sukantara. I have to settle lot of things as it is part of my responsibility to make things go smooth. jumpa lecturer, buat jadual, bahagikan AMT, namelists, and the list goes on. so, I tak sempat makan and end up, I lost 4 kgs. which is a good thing but in a bad way. hahahaha
bukti dah kurus. hahahahah :p
i am that small ya kawan2. 150 cm. what do u expectttt.. hahahaha
(walaupun macam tak kena gambar dengan entry, bantaii je laa XD)
ok, next! we were also busy with SBE and bundle of assignments. btw, i'm not complaining here. i just nak luah. thats all. hahaha
Time SBE. I will do another entry for SBE laterr
and, last week, we have already submitted our last written assignment for this semester. wuhuuu!! cheersss. :p At the moment, I thought we are going to have a bundle of free time where I can just laying down on my bed, watch movies, watch anime, read books, do nothing... but, it is all just a dream. obviously. hahaha. we still have to setlle things for BIG which is 4 months from now.
One more thing, my sleeping pattern getting worse you know. I usually sleep at 12 (paling lewat), but now, I sleep at 2 a.m (paling awal pun). hahahah i dont know whyyyyy. :( i need my sleeping pattern back.
and one thing that I noticed about me is I have changed a lottttt. in a bad way i guess. :( I become a very grumpy person. emotional, talk back, lazy af and many more. I miss the old me.
the one who always think positively
the one who will always look at something from a positive side
the one who always always always trust Allah's plan
the one who can accept everything dengan lapang hati
but, now, I don't know. maybe, it is good that I noticed it now rather than I noticed it later. kan? what if I tak perasan pun yang I berubah and it turns out yang semua tu jadi habit I? isn't it worse? lagi susah nak ubah nanti. so, let's pray that Allah will help my friend and me to go through this phase, help me to be a better person and ease everything for you, my family and myself. Aamiin. ok, that is the end of my ranting. hehehehe.
p/s: excuse my grammar because I ain't got no time to check. It is freaking 4.10 a.m nowww. hahahahah
Thank you for reading this entry!
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