Monday, 5 March 2018

When life strokes you down


you know you are mentally and physically exhausted when life stroke you down and you just wanna lie down and give up. 
you know that your body cannot bear with it anymore when you just thinking of your bed for all day and night. 
you know that your mind needs to take some rest when all the nerves started to make your head spinning around. 
you know that you need some space and some 'me' time when all the Dunya's errand push you up and down until you just decided to go with the flow.
you know you are really really really exhausted when you just wanna give up and end your life here.

hey, girl!!
chin up and stay strong. because all of these will end soon. this phase will end soon. trust me. because in every storm, there will be a rainbow. for a beautiful ending, you need to go through the rough roads first. so, be positive, trust yourself and you can do it!

"you need to end what you have started"

Thank you for reading this entry!

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