Sunday, 15 August 2021

5 years - The End


I know this entry is kind of late, but, nahh. just feeling like this needs to be posted as it is part of my life journey? hehe. So, let's start. :p

Looking back at 5 years ago.

I was the one who didn't even know why I was sitting there, in the IPGKBA main hall, facing all the facis yang tengah marah-marah with no reason. Confused. I even questioned myself (a lot 😂). Why am I taking this course to pursue my study when my passion is maths and accounting. (Note that I get A+ for both of them :p) I don't know how I ended up in IPBA when I thought I screwed up my interview. But, only GOD knows. 

I was that scaredy cat, who was 24/7 anxious. was very scared and timid to even answer my lecturer's simple question. 😂 who will always keep her mouth shut and avoiding any possible eye contact.😝 why? because I don't know how to speak in English. and I don't want to. I was scared. scared of being judged? scared of making mistakes? scared of lecturers? nahh. just scared of everything. heh.

I have sat for MUET thrice. The first one was only band 3. and the 3rd and 4th are band 4. I can say the marks are improving. hehe. but, I still need to get band 5. uhuks.

But, heyy. look at me now. I know I did improve a lotttt. Even though I still have many grammar mistakes here and there, I am more confident in using English. Plus, I only got 3.23 cgpa for my first sem and managed to finish my degree with 3.57. and managed to get anugerah pengarah twice (But only got one sijil. sedih.). Hence, I know. I know I deserve a biggggg pat on my shoulder.😂😂

Happy dah habis. But, there's a lot more out there to explore. heh.

Without strong encouragement and support from friends, lecturers and especially, my family, I would not be able to finish this degree. No kidding. I even thought of leaving IPBA during the first week of orientation. (tapi, sebab taknak pergi bilik kaunseling, and taknak mengaku masa ada lecturer tanya siapa datang sebab parents😂😂)

It was indeed a thrilling 5 years of roller coaster ride. but, all in all, good job dearself. you did a really good job. and I am proud of you. and really really really proud of you.


Wanna know another accidental "achievement"?
I've lost 11kgs. Entered IPBA with 59kgs and left with only 46kgs. hahaha. Let's go through these pics.

2017 me

2018 me

2019. Tahun start turun berat mendadak. 
kiri feb, kanan tu Oktober 2020. Beza kan? hehe

2020 me

feb and march 2021. takede yang latest. sebab sekarang pun tinggal 45kgs je. uhuks.

Belajar kat IPG is very challenging. because imagineeeeee. you have to finish 30 assignments per semester (in 4 months, tolak exam and cuti sem). yaa. imagine. sebab tu kot kurus. haha. But, I really learn a lottt of thingssssssss. like, a lottttt. and, I had fun. really. It was a fun journey which I will always want to look back and told my cucus (If I have any 😛).

that's all kot. hehe. bai! see you in the next entry😝

Thank you for reading this entry!


  1. Tahniah CG
    Berjaya Tamatkan Pengajian
    Semoga berjaya dunia akhirat
    In Sha Allah rase macam nk bagi adik suggestion masuk sini
    Tapi tula interview dia mencabar
    Doakan Yea

    1. Thank you awak. may all the duaas bounce back to you and ur family. aamiin
      bolehh tu. try je. in shaa Allah ada rezeki dia. hehe.
