Ok genk, today is 24th of august 2019. and guess what? tinggal 2 minggu je lagi nak habis practicum. huwaaaaaaaa!
My practicum started with a few issues (personal one) but slowly it develops me into who am I now. mula2 dulu, menyampah teruk tengok budak2 ni. memekakkk je dalam kelas. rasa nak pukul je, tapi, tak boleh. hahahaha. after a few weeks taking their class, I started to love them. I started to love and put all of my efforts to teach them. One of the cooperating teachers, she always advises us. one of my fav, "don't forget that they are still kids."
It is damn true. they are year 2 pupils and you expect them to sit still and listen to your voice for 1 hour. memang tak ahhh. hahahah. so, i changed my method, I do a lot of fun learning activities and mostly inspired by teacher fiera and teacher dilla. :p
I still remember the day when i cried like a baby (i'm still a baby tho. my parent's baby :p) when baba came to see me. At that time, i just had my first observation with my cooperating teacher and i was damn bad. my classroom management hancur, i was really really like a robot and everything was chaos. I was at my lowest point that day. I have tried to talk to few people but, they ignored me. lagilahh i down. hahahahah. Then, around 6 or 7 p.m, baba datang. he came to give me a few things and food. hehe. I have tried my best not to cry in front of him, but I can't. hahaha
time peluk baba tu, terus laju je turun air mata. baba pun terkejut. cik lan pun terkejut. yang budak 2 ekor dalam kereta tu, gelakkan aku. hahaha. At that time, I learnt that, the one who will always there is family. the one who will accept all of my flaws, my insecurity and my weirdness, is them. so, baba told me, "anak baba kan kuat. everything happens with a reason. semua yang jadi ni ada hikmah. imah kena kuat laa." Lagi laju laa air mata I turun. but, somehow it soothes my heart a little bit. hehe
And fast forward to today. when I looked back to that day. compared with who am I today, I believe that I have improved a lottttt. from the "cengeng" one to "kental" one. :p
I jadi lebih open, calm, redha with everything. I accept je everything yang Allah bagi. I just follow the flow. if something bas happens, I told my self, "It is okay. This is what you learnt. this is your part. semua orang ada bahagian masing-masing. what you have to do is just accept and improve yourself. don't underestimate Allah's plan. He is planning something better for you. so, chin up and do it again. Afterall, it is just a bad day and not a bad life."
Betul laa kalau kite redha, kita terima, tenang jee hati ni. hehe. another 2 weeks to go!! pray for me. In shaa Allah. May Allah ease everything for us. aamiin. hehe
Thank you for reading this entry!